Saturday, September 29, 2007

Brett McKenzie, Green Party, London North Centre

Should an adopted adult have the same rights to identifying information about his or her origins as all non-adopted adults?

I wish it were that simple. But one thing I've found is that yes/no questions are never simple.

Yes. An adopted adult should have the right to know who they are, where they came from, and their family medical history.

However, parents who have given their children up for adoption also have the right to carry on. In many cases, I know, they felt that adoption was best for their children, for a whole host of reasons. It must be difficult to give up your child. I can't imagine giving up my daughter. But I know that if I did, it would be for her. I know it would break my heart to have to face her later and tell her why.

So, while adults who have been adopted do have the right to know their origins, we must also protect the rights of those who have chosen or been forced to give up their children. If they wish it, anonymity must be preserved.

I appreciate your question. It's a difficult one I don't often consider. But I think that the wishes of both parties must be respected whenever possible.

I hope this helps.